Thursday, October 17, 2013

Hispanic Heritage Month

October is Hispanic Heritage Month and the students have been studying up on the history of Mexico and surrounding Central American countries like Guatemala. Much of the work we are doing is inspired by holidays and folk art of the region. Please follow our twitter feed for quick updates and photos. Posts include pictures of students creating yarn paintings inspired by the Huichol people of Mexico and students creating patterns on paper strips getting ready to weave. Also, we are talking about Dia de los Muertos, Day of the Dead. Students are drawing lots of skulls with awesome designs and beautiful colors!
A great month for art!!!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Families, we will once again be participating in Artsonia this year. Artsonia is our online art gallery.

This year students will be uploading more artwork due to the fact the NMES has some ipad minis! Yay.

Also, with the money we earn from Artsonia, I'd like to buy an ipad mini for the art studio! Just for us to use in art. So please make sure you visit Artsonia and support the art studio!

Thank you,
Ms. McCarthy

P.S. Follow us on Twitter: @NMES Art Studio